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Dan S.
It's been almost a month since JC's accident, and I still have a pit in my stomach. I find it very difficult to deal with this tragedy, and only hope that JC's daughters, my folks, and his close friends are able to deal with losing him.

When I think of JC, I don't remember him as the tremendous intellectual that he was. He was just my big brother.........someone who looked out for me, but would smack me down himself if he thought I deserved it, and most of the time I did. We'd go down to the creek, ride our bikes, and just do things kids would do.

I guess I never really thought about what a brilliant mind he was. We didn't communicate on that level. For us it was Ayrton Senna vs. Alain Prost and quoting lines from movies we'd watch. Only now that he's gone, do I realize how much more there was to JC.

Thank you everyone who took the time to write. I find it a big comfort to hear from people we were close to growing up, but have drifted apart from. I hope that I can reconnect with some of you so that I don't again miss an opportunity to remind someone that they mean a lot to me.

I'll add more as I can, but just typing this out has made me an emotional wreck.

Boulder ( Bill Nathan)
JC was forever asking "WHY" about everything. He was so curious as a young boy and the questions never ended. He was quiet and thoughtful. Very level headed. I always knew he would go far in his career for he was a very bright young man. Dorothy & I are deeply saddened by this tragic accident. We felt as though he was one of our own! We loved him as our own son. We will miss him!
Karen Sandberg
Thanks very much to those who have shared, and have wished condolences to our family. I remember my visit to Boston when he was at MIT. He steered me to the glass flower exhibit at Harvard - a unique and wonderful experience. On another visit to Colorado, he suggested we take the girls to the Butterfly Pavilion. He knew fascinating things and thought very complex thoughts. 
Michelle Stephens

I worked with Jon at REO for five years and stayed in touch with him for the following five years after I left REO.  We had lunch together only a few days before his death; he was his usual quick-witted, sharp-humored self.  I will be forever grateful that I had that opportunity to see him.


Our relationship was mostly professional.  We usually talked about how to build lasers, how to build optics, and how to run a business (at least how we thought it should be done).  I never met his family, but he always mentioned Nikki and Jaime and told me how proud he was of them and, in this last year, how much it meant to him to be able to spend more time with them.   My condolences to you all.

Dale C Ness

I was priviliged to work for Jon at REO for many years in the R&D group.  I wanted to write here how much I appreciated his white-hot brilliant mind, and his unique sense of humor.  You know, that laugh of his when he would relate some absurd news story he read about some absurd human foible.  It was very challenging and very fun to work through tough technical problems with him.


I feel so bad for Nikki and Jaime.  I only met them on a few occasions so they wouldn't know me, but I extend to them my deepest condolences...I lost my dad when I was a boy.  I know what this must mean for them, and I know how much he adored them.


I stayed in touch with Jon after he, and then I, left REO.  I would like friends or family to feel free to contact me if they would like to talk. Please ask Karen Sandberg for my email address. Take care everyone.   I am painfully reminded how short and precious life is.  

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