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Kathy Nathan Carlsen
I just wanted to touch base and say hello to the family---JC was a great part of our extended family.  I would like everyone to know how deeply saddened I am for all of you. 
Dan S
I just returned home from JC's house. On a 40 hour drive, you have lots of time to remember times spent together.

I'd like to share some of those times with everyone, but I think it will be a few more days before I'm able to do that.

I will write when I can.

You never realize how terribly you'll miss someone until they're gone.

Dan S
Debra Nathan-Nenn
JC and Danny were two years apart and so were Elizabeth(Lulu) and I(Debra) so being the same age we played a lot together but being different sexes we did not always play well together, lol.  I laugh to myself thinking of how many times we would start out playing nice and then it would get rougher and rougher until the parents came to break it up and usually Danny would be the one in trouble he was the fall guy. My memories are a lot of lauging and getting wild as kids do. I had the urge to get in contact with JC recently and actually looked for him on a few websites with no luck. I am sorry and regret I did not place a call to get his number or e-mail so I could say hi. I am so sad and sorry for his girls and to his family. I am not sure why things like this happen or why bad things happen to good people all I can think of is that is reminds us life is short and precious and a moment should not be wasted. I will look for pictures. Again I am sorry.
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